Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Please view my first Tumblr blog at http://scorpiosays.Tumblr.com - I have not decided how I want to format this new blog (blogger) Any suggestions?

Monday, May 23, 2011

White Maltese Tiger


So beautiful! Look at the blue eyes & the perfect markings on the fur. Another one of God’s beautiful creations…worthy of respect & compassion…as are all living beings.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Freedom in Transformation


The butterfly is a symbol of peace, freedom and transformation. Always remember where it came from--it was born a caterpillar, faced many obstacles, and took time to meditate in silence inside its crysalis, before emerging as a beautiful butterfly. Unfortunately many caterpillars get sacrificed, squashed by their surroundings, during the journey. So becoming a butterfly also symbolizes survival.