Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Lake of Fire" or "Serenity on the Horizon"

What does this photo mean to you? How does it make you feel? What senses are aroused? What title comes to mind?

For me, the first word that came to mind was "Serenity." Then "Beauty", followed by "Mesmerizing." I feel calm and peaceful yet inspired as the visual imagery metaphorically caresses my eyes. The title "Lake Placid" initially came to mind as I gazed upon the still waters, but then my eyes focused on the ball of fire, the sun, looming large as if emerging from beneath the water's surface. Hence, my title "Lake of Fire." Yet the overall vibe I get from the scene as a whole is one of serenity, inspiring my alternate title "Serenity on the Horizon." But that's me...I'm just sayin' :-)


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