Monday, December 31, 2012

My "Happy New Year" Message

HAPPY NEW YEAR my dear friends and global family:

As we reflect on the passing year and anticipate a fresh beginning in 2013, let us allow our own true essence to shine, as well as embrace one another's inherent Divinity and Innocence. There is a simple solution to a complex multitude of problems. Be kind to one another...Treat others how you want to be treated...Give Unconditional Love freely and be receptive to Unconditional Love...Forgive yourself and others...Let Go of past mistakes. May 2013 usher in a new era based on our Commonality rather than our Differences, our Strengths rather than our Weaknesses, and our Unity rather than our Division. May this (R)Evolutionary Quickening, or Planetary Awakening as One, inspire more people to embrace their divine nature and reflect the qualities they espouse and expect in others. Only through balance of word and deed, will we transcend the hypocrisy inherent in a judgmental society. May the recent planetary shift in Awareness raise the vibrational level and collective consciousness of the masses accordingly to meet the mounting challenges of a rapidly growing population in a self-destructive world of depleting resources. May the prospects of a New Beginning inspire more people to "Be The Change," to help their fellow Earthlings, human or animal, whenever possible, to feel gratitude for what is often taken for granted, and "Pay it Forward" in kind with Love and Compassion for All Sentient Beings... For we are all ONE.
In fact, We are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For.
One World ~ ♥ One Love Eternal ♥
~ Namasté
Wishing you moments of Peace, Love, Light & Laughter every day of your life! I LOVE YOU! ~ Lisa

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Blinded by the Light

"Blinded by a stream of light, I rubbed my eyes til my gaze softened and my vision returned...Thundering Silence echoed all around me, glazing over my senses like wax, mind-numbing but beckoning me closer, like the allure of the Sirens' sweet song of seduction. A warm glow engulfed my being and enveloped my soul, cradling me gently like a newborn babe. "Am I awake or am I dreaming?" I heard my Self say. This must be Heaven, I responded. At that moment "I", the Awakened One, separated from my sleep-walking "Self", finally shedding the dream-induced "Ego" that had enslaved me for a thousand life-times in the Matrix of Virtual Reality." ~ © Lisa Pearlman (written on 12/27/12)



Monday, December 17, 2012

Join me in the Three Days of Love pledge


I just committed to participate in something very exciting: a pledge to speak and share words and actions of love for three days from December 20-22nd.

Let's join others around the world in this wonderful experiment to help celebrate love and kindness. The vision is to begin a new era with a spirit of love, generosity and creativity.

Many top leaders such as Deepak Chopra, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marianne Williamson, and Neale Donald Walsch are supporting this to become a mass movement of the heart.

I hope you will participate by signing this pledge and spreading the word by going to


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Got Gratitude? Pay it Forward!

Make a #GRATITUDE list..count your blessings, be they few or many. Write them down. It is a humbling but rewarding experience. Repeat often. Your beating heart is a miracle, a precious gift. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Honor your heart by sharing the love that lies within it. #PAYITFORWARD Pay It Forward by performing #RAOK... #RandomActsOfKindness serve as humanity's weapons of mass creation, our means to a kinder, gentler world. ~ Lisa Pearlman 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bullying: Apathy Gone Viral (Bystander Apathy Revisited)

Familiarity breeds Contempt, as well as Apathy. Apathy is a chronic, contagious, life-threatening disease that spreads quickly and quietly, a progressive plague of epic proportions, striking fear in the hearts of those few who are immune to the effects of its deadening poison. Like a wild fire in the wind, airborne pollutants spewing haphazardly, so are the infectious germs of Apathy out of control, a conflagration of random mutations, growing and multiplying. Without quarantine or containment, "Apathy Gone Viral" breeds and enslaves the ideal host from which Bullies germinate, infect and feed. An ongoing cycle of recontamination ensures a grim prognosis, as Bullying continues to flourish, thrive and victimize. Like the Phoenix rising forth from the ashes, so is the Bully empowered by the smoldering embers of Apathy. Victims are a natural by-product of Apathy, as well. Whether Bully or Victim, each is grown from the same seed. Apathy is the seed, that mutates into Bully or Victim. Apathy is the germ, that must be eradicated from the environment, that human beings must be vaccinated against, in order to put an end to this horrific epidemic called BULLYING. We must arrest this plague before it claims more hearts, minds and lives of our young, promising leaders of tomorrow and benefactors of the future.

© Lisa Pearlman 10/31/12

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Few Deep Thoughts on Life

And this too shall pass…
Life is constantly in flux, moving, changing…flow with it…surf the waves, let them shape you but not define you…swim with the ebb and flow of experiences…
The minute you dwell on any one experience, whether good or bad, you get stuck…attachment throws you out of sync with the transitional flow of life…life is a series of moments, do not cling to any one moment just as you do not hold on to any one breath, otherwise you will miss the next breath that comes around, or the next moment. You would literally die if you lingered on one particular breath, interrupting your life flow, your chi, your energy flow, thereby hindering the next breath necessary for life to continue. Be present NOW, focus on each breath or each moment as it occurs, then let it go immediately as you mindfully welcome the next one, fresh and new, as if it were your first, your last, your only…

© Lisa Pearlman 10/15/12
(Words and Photo by Lisa Pearlman)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Purple Flowers

Blowing gently in the wind, His Majesty's jewels now blossom with aliveness... Nature's silky Seeds of Love, when planted and nurtured, magically morph into Purple Perfection.

© Lisa Pearlman 9/21/12 (words & video by Lisa Pearlman)

BabyBoy Loves Catnapping on My Leg

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Does Meditation Have a Place in Education?

Recently I read an article in the Huffington Post about introducing the practice of Meditation into the schools. I think this measure would be the single most important step taken in education to ensure our children enter adulthood as well-adjusted, compassionate, enlightened beings, equipped to face the challenges of a turbulent, fast-paced, rapidly changing world and its uncertain future. Especially with the prevalence of bullying and peer pressure in the schools, negativity is infecting the hearts and minds of today’s youth, tomorrow’s leaders. Meditation is a positive activity that will enable students to rise above the negativity and accept experience for what it is: temporary, fleeting, impermanent…while their essence or core remains calm, grounded and undisturbed. Rather than reacting emotionally they will learn to pause, reflect and respond mindfully. They will become stronger, healthier individuals, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Meditation is not religious or patriotic in any way…it does not represent any socio-economic class, subsection of society or cultural group…it is accessible by and available to everyone equally.

© Lisa Pearlman 8/30/12

(photo credit unknown source on web)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Where is the Love?

If we don't slow down or stop for a minute, love will seem to pass us by, but in reality it is we who are passing up love in our mad pursuit to do, have and accumulate "things." Love is not a "thing" you can ever possess or stock up on for later. Love is to be felt and appreciated in the Now, in between moments, in the silent gaps between words, the quiet spaces between spontaneous thoughts. The LOVE is always there, you just need to slow down and open your heart to receive it.

© Lisa Pearlman 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Albert Einstein's Purpose-Driven Life


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Stop Lyin', Stop Frontin', Keep it Real

Photo It is stressful, overwhelming and time-consuming to maintain a falsehood. As the deceiver creates an ever-growing elaborate web of lies to support his prior dishonesty or betrayal, he must keep track of all details, dates, places and names so that he is consistent in his story. He often must backtrack to recount events, taking care to sync all his fabrications so that they corroborate and coincide together like jigsaw pieces to an intricate puzzle. If one odd piece of information does not quite fit, the integrity of the entire charade is at stake. To ensure a steady stream of data that flows smoothly in one direction, he must constantly check his words and actions, remember seemingly trivial matter-of-fact statements he has made in the past, and fill in gaps as his web of lies grows larger. He buries himself deeper and deeper with every word he utters. Eventually he will slip up, perhaps fail to cover his tracks, or maybe spout a verifiable “fact” that can be disproved through research, thereby exposing a weakness or inconsistency in his story. As his carefully crafted web of lies unravels, he frantically makes excuses, changes details, throws accusations, places blame…anything to avoid telling the truth. He desperately back-pedals in hopes of plugging up holes, a futile attempt at damage control. Finally confronted with his lies which have been exposed, he can breathe a sigh of relief, let it go, relax and start over fresh. Any sane man would. Or he can deny the truth and evidence before him, and stubbornly stay on his sinking boat and go down with the ship, claiming a victory that he alone believes in. Such is par for the course for the pathetic case of a Pathological Liar. ~ © Lisa Pearlman 1/3/12

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, July 26, 2012


A friend of ours became very sick after drinking water left in a car overnight (not cancer) but she was ill for a couple of month.
No matter how many times you get this E-mail,
Please send it on!!!! 

Bottled water in your car is very dangerous!
On the Ellen show, Sheryl Crow said that this is what                                caused her breast cancer.
It has been identified as the most common cause of the high levels of dioxin in breast cancer tissue..

Sheryl Crow's oncologist told her: women should not drink bottled water that has been left in a car. 
The heat reacts with the chemicals in the plastic of the bottle which releases dioxin into the water. Dioxin is a toxin increasingly found in breast cancer tissue.
So please be careful and do not drink bottled water that has been left in a car.

Pass this on to all the women in your life. This information is the kind we need to know that just might save us! 
Use a stainless steel canteen or a glass bottle instead of plastic! 


(This was new to me - Helen)
This information is also being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center ... 
No plastic containers in microwaves. 
No plastic water bottles in                                freezers. 
No plastic wrap in microwaves. 

Dioxin chemical causes cancer, especially breast cancer. 
Dioxins are highly poisonous to cells in our bodies. 
Don't freeze plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. 
Recently the Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. 

He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating food in the microwave using plastic containers...... 
This especially applies to foods that contain fat. 

He said that the combination of fat, high heat and plastic releases dioxininto thefood. 

Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Pyrex or ceramiccontainers for heating food... You get the same result, but without the dioxin.. 
So, such things as TV dinners,instant soups, etc., should be removed from their containers and heated in something else.

Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's safer to use tempered glass, such as Pyrex, etc. 

He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the styrene foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.... 

Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Cling film, is just as dangerous                                when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. 
As the food is nuked, the high heatcauses poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.. 
Cover food with a paper towel instead.

This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life

Sunday, July 15, 2012

From: The Purpose of Life via

Free Your Mind

Expand your your mind... take it to the limit and beyond...we are all Reality Architects - we create our own reality as we make choices and respond to each moment in life... unfortunately many do not know they possess such power over their life...we must believe our choices make a difference in order to exercise them...we must explore the infinite possibilities inherent in the quantum field of pure potentiality...In reality there are no borders...other than those self-imposed by you, ingrained in your mind as self-fulfilling prophecies, the intended result of years of mental slavery, imprisonment in a faulty belief system, a systematic programming of socially desirable traits, thoughts and attitudes... strategically implemented by various social institutions and authority figures during key developmental stages in your life. This indoctrination is aimed at shaping your impressionable, malleable young mind into a mindless, obedient, manageable, and controllable foot soldier...a blind follower dependent on things staying status quo. Fear is especially useful to keep disillusioned people in check...fear paralyzes...fear keeps people down, stuck, immobile so they won't seek change, revolution, improvement or empowerment. That is how society keeps the poor down and stuck in a cycle of helplessness, a life that they accept as their only possible fate. Let go of these self-defeating thoughts, these self-limiting beliefs! Claim the power of choice that is your birthright! Expand your your mind...take it to the limit and beyond...there are no boundaries...release yourself from the bondage of mental never really existed except in your own mind!
Step outside the box...boxes are merely man-made forms...designed to confine, limit and control...They have edges and boundaries, corners that isolate and limit movement, like on a checkerboard.

In contrast, Circles are symbols of Totality, Source, God, Universe. Circles are inclusive, cyclical and divine...Just like the Earth is round, so is the circle of life...Circles are natural...From the moment of conception to the moment of birth we incubate in circularity...the uterus, the amniotic sac, the womb, the fetal position. Upon emergence from our mother's warm, soft womb we are thrown into a cold world full of human constructs of square form...cribs, beds, houses, square-footage, square plots of land, town squares, doors, windows, walls, ceilings, school desks, closets, books, newspapers, magazines, notebooks, TV, movie screens, bureaus, shelves...boxes and more boxes to compartmentalize our lives and our psyche...ending with the man-made box our body is placed in upon our death, lowered 6 feet underground to secure our eternal "resting place," our own personal box to memorialize our life here on Earth. Ironically, death is what frees us, releasing us back into the circle of life, to resume our cyclical journey. The Universe, planets, orbits, cycles of rotation, galaxy patterns...all edges or boundary lines delineating separation of nations or planets. FREE YOUR MIND...and the rest will follow!

© Lisa Pearlman 7/14/12

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Be Inspired


Dream Big -- Live Loud -- Love With Abandon

Let's Start a Revolution

The world needs Change. There is no question about that. The "Whys" are obvious and numerous. We can argue back and forth about the "What" since people's values and priorities may differ based on their quality of life. But the million dollar question that keeps politicians, activists and anyone who truly cares about the state of our planet up at night is "How?" HOW do we affect change? HOW do we implement change of any real substance or staying power (longevity.) To quote The Beatles: "You say you want a Revolution? Well you know, we all want to change the world."
A Revolution does not have to be marked by chaos, violence and power. Silence can be Revolutionary. Love can be Revolutionary. Spirituality can be Revolutionary. We must find peaceful, non-violent means to revolutionize and change things in this world, to change the status quo so as to improve life conditions for anyone living a sub-standard life (i.e. homeless, poverty, no medical care, unemployment, no clean water, hunger etc.) as well as ensure the humane treatment of all God's creatures, man or animal. Remember, the Change Begins With Me and You. An internal revolution of thought and spirit must take place within each one of us before we can make any significant changes affecting the outside world. Each of us operates at a state of consciousness, awakened by our stage of spiritual evolution at the time. Although many of humanity live their life unconsciously most of the time, we, as members of the human race, as human beings, are surely evolving as both enlightened individuals and as a collective consciousness on Earth. Our inner transformation is reflected in the world we live in, through our thoughts, ideas, words, and actions that represent our unity of purpose on a spiritual as well as a global level. The Revolution has begun...get with the program and be a part of One Love - One World. WE are surely the Ones We Have Been Waiting For...
c. Lisa Pearlman 5/29/12

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Love is Pure Consciousness

Love is all that is real ... Pure consciousness ... When you tune into the vibrational energy of the Universe you are tuning into the highest vibratory frequency there is ... the same wavelength that Love vibrations travel along ... a continuum of Consciousness ... At this level there is only Harmony - there is only the divine and holy trinity of Love/Universe/Consciousness that exists at this highest vibrational frequency. © Lisa Pearlman 3/28/12 (Photo credit - unknown source on WWW)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Miracle Rising

The fire ravaged the crysalis, interrupting and hastening the quiet transformation going on inside. Slowly new life emerged from the flames, opening its virgin wings for the first time. A survival instinct to “fight-or-flight” precipitated this rude awakening and early metamorphosis. Suddenly a beautiful butterfly burst through the blazing flames, its singed wings initially flapping with fanatic precision, then eventually fluttering gracefully in the wind as it took flight, soaring to unknown and new heights.
c. Lisa Pearlman 4/6/12

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Serenity Now

Ahhhhh Serenity Now... the quiet solitude and pure beauty of God's glorious creations never ceases to amaze me... It nearly takes my breath away and brings me to tears as I gaze upon the newness of this grand design ... Such divine beauty is humbling as I virtually kneel before the source of my inspiration ... this timeless landscape merged with infinite skies ... united in harmony enveloping all that is, was, and ever will be... c. Lisa Pearlman

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Nicki Minaj

Gorgeous face! Her face is like a canvas that you paint on and make a work of art! I want a Nicki Minaj "Barbie" Glamour/Make-Up Doll, like the one I had as a was a big lifesize Barbie head on a stand, that u could style her hair and put removable make-up on. If I worked at Mattel, I would create one! They already released a limited edition Nicki Minaj barbie doll for charity! So why not? It would be a big seller, guaranteed


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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Venture Within

What do I see when I venture into my heart? I see my reflection…in thatreflection,I see you, all of you…I see family, those living and those immortalized as angels who shine eternally from the heavens…I see friends who have touched my heart and friends I have not yet met, strangers only in the sense that our paths have not crossed yet…I see animals and babies so innocent and pure…I see all of our planet’s inhabitants, all as one: One World-OneLove…I see all the colors of the rainbow…and colors within those colors…I HEAR music, laughter, birds singing…All of this and more resides eternally within each and every one of us… all is accessible if we reside within our heart. Who wants to join me? © Lisa Pearlman (PHOTO courtesy of unknown source via World Wide Web)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Eckhart Tolle - Despre atentie

Beautiful music and imagery...serene, calming, peaceful. I don't know what the words on screen mean, so if anyone can translate, it would be greatly appreciated!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Updated "Complete Global Online Profile"

Check Me Out --->


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Mistakes Along the Way

Don't look back on mistakes with regret. Acknowledge them with gratitude for they were the stepping stones that paved your way to greater knowledge and understanding. They helped you to move on to new horizons and create a better YOU! © Lisa Pearlman 1/7/12

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Stop Lying, Stop Fronting, Keep it Real

It is stressful, overwhelming and time-consuming to maintain a falsehood. As the deceiver creates an ever-growing elaborate web of lies to support his prior dishonesty or betrayal, he must keep track of all details, dates, places and names so that he is consistent in his story. He often must backtrack to recount events, taking care to sync all his fabrications so that they corroborate and coincide together like jigsaw pieces to an intricate puzzle. If one odd piece of information does not quite fit, the integrity of the entire charade is at stake. To ensure a steady stream of data that flows smoothly in one direction, he must constantly check his words and actions, remember seemingly trivial matter-of-fact statements he has made in the past, and fill in gaps as his web of lies grows larger. He buries himself deeper and deeper with every word he utters. Eventually he will slip up, perhaps fail to cover his tracks, or maybe spout a verifiable “fact” that can be disproved through research, thereby exposing a weakness or inconsistency in his story. As his carefully crafted web of lies unravels, he frantically makes excuses, changes details, throws accusations, places blame…anything to avoid telling the truth. He desperately back-pedals in hopes of plugging up holes, a futile attempt at damage control. Finally confronted with his lies which have been exposed, he can breathe a sigh of relief, let it go, relax and start over fresh. Any sane man would. Or he can deny the truth and evidence before him, and stubbornly stay on his sinking boat and go down with the ship, claiming a victory that he alone believes in. Such is par for the course for the pathetic case of a Pathological Liar. ~ © Lisa Pearlman 1/3/12

Monday, January 2, 2012

Life is a Rainbow

Life without Passion is like a Rainbow without Colors. Add some color to your life…try something new…stand up and shout out for what you believe in…show your True Colors loudly and proudly…just as a variety of colors make the rainbow beautiful, so does diversity make life beautiful! Accept all and Embrace all as One! ONE WORLD…ONE LOVE!