It is both a tragedy and a travesty… May he live on through his amazing legacy of Love & Laughter…he will forever be remembered by the millions he touched…
Robin Williams 1951-2014
A man and an actor adored by millions for his fun-loving personality, quirky humor, comedic talent, selfless generosity, and amazing ability to portray the human condition in all its rawness, channeling a wealth of human emotions through both his comedy and his dramatic character portrayals…A man who made life worth living for Christopher Reeve in his darkest hour…A man who performed in dangerous war zones to support and uplift the troops…A man who treated everyone he met as a friend…A man who created ripples of laughter wherever he went…smiling, joking…Sure, he had his demons, but he had seemingly exorcised them years ago and freely shared them with self-deprecating humor during his frenetic comedy routines. He once admitted that he had considered suicide only once, and that he quickly saw the absurdity of his thoughts. He quipped that he told himself ‘you don’t have the balls to do it!” I wish he had echoed that same sentiment to himself on Monday, August 11, 2014…I wish he changed his mind, talked himself out of it, reached out for help…j
#RIPRobinWilliams – A gentle genius and man of heart who brought joy and laughter to many while suffering in silence, alone.
Perhaps the only explanation that gives any insight into why, can be found in the lines he uttered in one of his more dramatic character roles:
“I used to think the worst thing was to end up all alone. It isn’t. The worst thing is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.”
It breaks my heart to think Robin felt so alone in his depression that he chose to take his own life. The world, as well as his family, mourns this tragic loss of an extraordinary man who leaves behind a legacy of laughter, genius, kindness and goodwill. Remember him for the way he lived, not the way he died. But in his honor, spread awareness of the x reality that #DepressionKills !! And nobody is immune to its attack… #DEPRESSION is an equal opportunity offender, it does not discriminate, defying age, class, race, ethnicity, religion, gender…in short, it can grab hold of anyone! If it remains hidden and/or untreated, often suicide is the ultimate resolution.
If you are depressed, please GET HELP! Call someone! Get online & talk to someone! Do NOT “suck it up” & suffer in silence!
*Call 24/7 1-800-273-TALK (8255) (National Suicide Prevention-USA)
I personally offer my friendship and service to each and every one of you. You are not alone…ever! I LOVE YOU!
Love & Light,
Lisa Pearlman
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